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Treasures in Heaven Matthew 6:19-21
In light of Bible Land's understanding these verses mean: There are several figures of speech used in these verses. In Bible Land's understanding: "Treasures" are "thoughts." "Heaven" represents the place where God is. It is the "spiritual realm." The "moth" is fear that eats away our thoughts. "Rust" is worry that corrodes our thoughts. "Corrupt" means to breed. "Thieves" are doubts. God has promised to supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. We simply need to keep our thoughts centered on God and His Word.
"Do not let your thoughts be centered in material things (such as food, clothing, money, and homes) where fears and worries breed defeat and frustration and where doubts break through and steal your thoughts. But let your thoughts be centered on God and spiritual things, where neither fear nor worry breeds defeat and frustration, and where doubts do not break through and steal your thoughts. For where your thoughts are, there will your heart be also."