I Timothy 4:8
For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

Most people talk a lot about keeping fit.  Some people work really hard at keeping fit.

For young people, hopefully, keeping fit is easy.  You probably do lots of things to stay active and in good shape.  When you take care of yourself, you feel good.  You have more energy and you're more alert.  Most of you, however, will never be professional athletes.  Those with outstanding athletic abilities too often think that those abilities make them special and better than those around them.

The first part of the verse above should more correctly read "For bodily exercise profiteth for a little time."  Sure, it's good for us.  Yes, it's profitable.  It can benefit every one of us.  But the real measure that makes a person "special" and "better" is in "godliness."

The real "fitness level" of our life is measured by the strength of our relationship with God.  And the strength of our relationship with our Heavenly Father can continue to grow stronger every day of our lives.  The quality of your life depends on the place that God has in your life, not in your physical strength.

So take time to exercise with God's Word.  Study it.  Be ready with verses to comfort and encourage others.  Be strong in God's strength and call upon Him in prayer.

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