An Easy Pass-Around Activity
You'll need:
a small (probably a single serving size) plastic bottle with
its top
uncooked rice (nearly enough to fill the bottle)
several small specially selected objects to also put in the
a written verse to go with each of the small items
The small objects that will be hidden in the rice-filled
bottle should be meaningful to the children who will be passing it around.
For example the bottle could hold a small plastic heart,
a tiny plastic Bible, a little foot, and a tiny baby bottle. Verses
that correspond to these items could be Psalm 119:11 ("Thy word have I
hid in mine heart ..."), Romans 10:15 ("...How beautiful are the feet ..."),
and I Peter 2:2 (" As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word
The play:
Simply pass the bottle from child to child. Each child
in turn shakes the bottle until he is able to identify one of the objects
hidden inside. When all the objects have been spotted, match up the
list of objects with the verses and discuss their significance.
Before playing, set up the activity as if it were digging
for buried treasure or rediscovering something that has been lost or hidden.
Hopefully, you'll be able to personalize this activity, and
the children will think of objects to add. Maybe they'll convert
the game to a full-scale dig in a sandbox.
Have fun with this.
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